I read an article recently in FT that suggested poor people are more generous than rich when it comes to charity. A behavioral study done by University of Berkeley also concluded that lower class give more of their resources away, whereas upper-class tend to preserve and grow their wealth.
It makes me ponder if we take every opportunity out there to stab the rich. After all, one can crunch data in many different ways to define human nature and rising inequality in the society. It can as easily be shown that the richest are contributing most to the tax, which provides critical support to the society. We have seen multiple discussions on higher taxes on the rich instead of giving them a choice to spend their hard-earned money as they please and support the economy.
There are many better ways of forcing the rich to contribute to the society. Promoting capitalism that can create jobs is a much better way to reduce social inequality. As someone rightly said “Capitalism is the worst form of society, except for all the others that have been tried”
Many rich people have worked their way up with sheer perseverance, hard work and risk taking ability. Protecting ones future with financial security is basis of survival ship and there is nothing wrong for the upper class or for that matter anyone, to act in their self-interest. The world has already witnessed that governments, including that of developed nations, are incapable of securing the future or providing any social benefits to its taxpayers, so naturally saving and preserving wealth and future is crucial.
Have we forgotten all about Objectivism (as defined by Ayn Rand) that individuals hold free will, are autonomous and independent; by using reason, they determine their own beliefs and values and thus create their own life? Society as a whole would be a much better place to live if we don’t force altruism on every individual.
Is the society moving towards altruism as the new fashion statement? Do we need to define the moral worth of an individual by his values of egalitarianism?
I certainly agree that the some affluent people have exerted more influence on the government to define policies for their self-interest. Instead of hating the rich, the society should lobby to select the right leadership and government that can create environment conducive to equal and fair opportunity for all. But the political dreams of our so-called leaders rely heavily on the donations from the rich.
Once again, I might be perceived as a seriously empathy-deficit person but I do believe that the core problem in today’s world is government structures and leadership rather than capitalism.
For many people jealousy is a feeling that they cannot control neither can they fight against it. Many people feel jealous if somebody has something better than they have: more money, better look, better boyfriend or girlfriend, more expensive car or house.
ReplyDeleteI am not rich, but I live a comfortable life, I have been a model when I was a teenager and since than I made a career in marketing. I suffer a lot when my girlfriends tell me: “Of course you look like a model, life treats you better than us”. There is some truth in that but I have made a tremendous effort to quit modeling and a very good salary and start a professional career. I speak four languages but there is nothing to be jealous about, I invested a lot of time and energy to learn them.
I never feel jealous towards somebody who has something better than me. This is why my best girlfriend is Miss Universe. She is rich, beautiful, talented, successful in her TV-host career, happily married and expecting a baby. If people stop being jealous of others’ possessions they would gain a lot of happiness and will be able to spend their energy in productive rather than destructive way.
As for the idea of choosing the right leader and government I completely agree with it. But sometimes it is impossible to do so, for example in Belorussia where there are no free elections at all and the president puts the opposition leaders to jail.
In Russia we already know who will be our next president half a year before the beginning of the presidential elections. This is one of the reasons that made me move to live in USA.